Book #3 in "The Guild Codex: Demonized" series.
Rating: 5 dazzling stars (5/5)
Spoiler Alert: Very Low
I thought I understood power.
My parents taught me that magic attracts equal danger, and everything I've seen since becoming a demon contractor confirms it. I've witnessed how power twists and corrupts--and I've tasted power no human should wield.
I thought I knew greed.
Ambition and avarice drove my family into hiding. My parents died for someone else's greed. I've never hunted anything in my life, but now I'm hunting their killer--with my demon's help.
I thought I'd seen evil.
But with each step closer to my parents' murderer, I'm uncovering a different sort of evil, piece by hidden piece. I've stumbled into an insidious web that silently, secretly ensnares everything it touches. My demon and I came as the hunters...
...but I think we might be the prey.
Dear Annette Marie,
You are a devious, wickedly, smart writer. I don't even know where to start with my review. The plot is abso-freaking-lutely amazing. I have no idea where you get your creativity and wild imaginations from, but please, don't you ever stop writing. In this third book of the series, Robin faces an abundant amount of conflicts, both external and internal. However, she gets help from a demon named Zylas. The plot immediately picks up in Hunting Fiends for the Ill-Equipped after the end of the second book. I have to say that this is a very satisfying read and the plot fully blows my mind. It's just THAT creative and well-executed.
I feel like once in a while; we meet a main protagonist who is actually relatable. This is the case of the heroine, Robin. I can relate to her so hard with her insecurities and internal conflicts and struggles. Robin is bookish and nerdy, but that does NOT prevent her from slowly becoming a full-on demon-fighting and bad-guy-slaying warrior. Her character development from the first page of the first book to the third book's last page makes me extremely happy. This is because Robin overcomes many of her insecurities and weaknesses and grows into a confident and fearless lady. She is by far one of the best and most relatable characters in a book series.
And oh my gosh, don't even get me started on Zylas. I was and still am rooting for him to find his happily-ever-after. Zylas—who is, in fact, a demon—is a complicated character to read. He barely shows any emotions, but when he does, I'm smiling so hard you would think I won the lottery. The little acts he does for those he cares about, especially Robin, shows that he actually feels human emotions. In the word which Marie has created, demons are considered to have no emotions and are evil. Zylas is the complete opposite of these assumptions. I will forever love Zylas will all my heart.
We FINALLY see more romance in the third book. I was patiently waiting for more romantic developments between Robin and Zylas. And OH BOY, Marie does not disappoint. It is a painfully slow-burn romance, but I don't mind it at all, considering Zylas is a demon and Robin has many insecurities and is super shy. In this third book, romance increases tenfold with less romantic hints and more romantic forwardness. The relationship between Zylas and Robin has me grinning from ear-to-ear because it is such a beautiful and unique relationship between a human and a demon. I. SHIP. THEM. SO. HARD.
Narration/Writing Style:
Like the previous two books in the series, Hunting Fiends for the Ill-Equipped is told in first-person with Robin as the narrator. If you've read my other blog posts, you would know that I love books narrated in first-person the most. Why is it my favourite narrative? It's because readers get to feel the emotions that the character(s) are feeling and experience their experiences. Readers get to see Robin grow and understand how she perceives the world. I love reading through Robin's perspective as she changes so much from the first book to the third book. I literally feel like Robin is my child, and I'm her mother.
Marie's writing style amazes me every single time. Her ability to write a carefully crafted world with three-dimensional characters astonishes me. At this point, I'm just praising the author because her books blow my mind. The writing style for this third book is incredibly detailed and well-thought-out. You can tell that every event is with care and thoughtfulness. Well done, Marie.
I notice that I barely ever write critics, and this book falls under that category. I have no critics whatsoever. Though, I do wish Marie would provide a chapter or two from Zylas' point of view.
Final Review:
This book and the characters make my feelings go all mushy. The slow-burn romance between Zylas and Robin is probably my favourite aspect. But, the action, suspense, and humour all deserve their own praise. are a masterful writer. I recommend this book to readers of ALL AGES. Everyone, including teenagers and adults, should pick up this series ASAP. Also, the fourth book—aka the last one in the series—came out a month ago, and I will be reading it tonight!
Happy Reading!